Unlock Your Chakras: How to Open Your Body Chakras with Yoga, TaiChi and QiGong

Discover how yoga, TaiChi & QiGong can help you open your body chakras and restore balance in your life.

Unlock Your Chakras: How to Open Your Body Chakras with Yoga, TaiChi and QiGong

Yoga is an amazing way to open up your body and, as a result, to open and balance your chakras. The camel pose, for instance, can help to harmonize the heart chakra and throat simultaneously. A regular yoga practice can be incredibly effective in restoring equilibrium to the mind, body and soul. TaiChi and QiGong are equally beneficial practices that can unlock your chakras and balance your energy.

If you're hyperactive, you may find yourself overthinking things; spirituality may be the first thing that comes to mind, and if you're really hyperactive, you may even neglect your physical needs (food, water, shelter). Fortunately, there are many ways to open your body chakras. Meditation is a great way to start. It helps to clear your mind of any negative thoughts or emotions that may be blocking your chakras.

You can also use crystals or essential oils to help open your chakras. Crystals such as amethyst or rose quartz can be placed on the body in order to open the chakras. Essential oils such as lavender or sandalwood can also be used to help open the chakras. Another way to open your body chakras is through breathwork.

Breathwork is a powerful tool that helps to bring awareness to the body and helps to open up blocked energy pathways. You can practice breathwork by focusing on your breath and allowing it to flow freely through your body. Finally, yoga poses such as cobra pose or bridge pose can help to open up the chakras in the body. These poses help to stretch and open up the body, allowing energy to flow freely through the body.

Opening your body chakras is an important part of maintaining balance in your life. By using yoga, TaiChi, QiGong, meditation, crystals, essential oils, breathwork and yoga poses, you can help to open up blocked energy pathways in the body and restore balance in your life.

Veronica Molinski
Veronica Molinski

Total zombie maven. Avid beer practitioner. Avid coffee guru. Infuriatingly humble internet nerd. Travel expert. Social media specialist.

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