Unblocking Your Chakras: How to Rebalance Your Energy Centers

When our chakras are blocked it can lead to physical or emotional symptoms that can be difficult to manage. Learn how yoga postures and breathing exercises can help unblock your chakras.

Unblocking Your Chakras: How to Rebalance Your Energy Centers

When our chakras are blocked, it can lead to physical or emotional symptoms that can be difficult to manage. Fortunately, there are ways to unlock and rebalance these energy centers. Yoga postures, breathing exercises, and meditation practices can all help to unblock and rebalance your chakras. Imagine a stream with lots of rocks.

The more rocks, the slower the stream will flow. Clearing the rocks will allow the current to flow more smoothly. Similarly, when we experience a blocked chakra, it means that our energy in that area is slow or prevented from flowing as it should. Arthritis can be a sign of a blocked chakra.

Depending on the location of the pain or inflammation, it can tell us which chakra is blocked. Most arthritis attaches to the root chakra or solar plexus. However, if your neck, back, legs, or arms hurt, it's best to look for these areas individually using this index. Each of these general imbalances manifests itself as specific physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances in each chakra.

In the philosophies of yoga and Ayurveda, where chakras play an important role in understanding the human system, “like increases” and “opposes balance”. The crown chakra is associated with your sense of enlightenment and remembrance that you are a small part of a larger whole. Blocked by the emotion of guilt, an alteration in this chakra can cause sexual imbalances, such as the inability to express themselves sexually or, sometimes, women having painful menstrual periods. The root chakra is associated with your sense of security, protection and feeling of being at home inside your skin.

This chakra is connected to the element of Air and is physically located in the heart, chest, shoulders, arms, hands and upper back. If you experience any recurring pain or stiffness, read to see if a chakra imbalance could be the cause and find out how chakra balance could help. Another easily recognizable sign of experiencing a slow or blocked chakra is when you experience a lack of inspiration, depression, or overindulgence in addictive behaviors. When we open our chakras and allow energy to flow freely through them again, we can experience good physical and mental health. To do this we must identify which chakras are blocked and take steps to unblock them.

Yoga postures and breathing exercises are great ways to unblock your chakras and restore balance in your energy centers.

Veronica Molinski
Veronica Molinski

Total zombie maven. Avid beer practitioner. Avid coffee guru. Infuriatingly humble internet nerd. Travel expert. Social media specialist.

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