Unlocking the Secrets of Chakras: How to Balance Your Energy Centers

Chakras are believed to provide subtle energy that helps organs, mind and intellect function at their best level. Learn how each one affects us & take steps towards balancing them out for optimal functioning.

Unlocking the Secrets of Chakras: How to Balance Your Energy Centers

Chakras are believed to provide subtle energy that helps organs, mind and intellect function at their best level.


and spiritual energy haven't been thoroughly examined in medical studies, but they can offer insight into our own mind and body, regardless of religion or belief. The word “Chakra” translates to wheel in Sanskrit and refers to energy wheels throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which line the spine, from the base of the spine to the crown of the spine.

If any of the chakras is blocked, then the energy cannot flow freely, causing emotional and physical ailments. Each of the chakras is directly related to a part of our body and affects our overall health. It is vital to clear and open these wheels to allow the body to function as designed. Chakras are an individual's energy centers that are associated with physical, mental, and emotional interactions.

They are the openings in a person's aura that allow vital energy to flow in and out. The function of a chakra is to vitalize the physical body and cause the development of self-awareness. Opening the crown chakra is believed to connect a person to their higher self, as it is the place of spirituality, enlightenment, and energetic thoughts. The spiritual lesson that can be derived from a strong chakra of the solar plexus is to accept one's place in the life stream and emanate self-love. Wearing indigo colored clothing can remind the subconscious to be more aware and strengthen the forehead chakra.

When this chakra is balanced, it allows for creativity, positive self-expression, constructive communication and a sense of satisfaction. It is believed that when the heart chakra is aligned and balanced, love and compassion flow freely, both in terms of distributing it and recovering it. The Sacral Chakra, or Swadhisthana Chakra, is a symbol of the elements of water present in the human body. When this chakra is open, it is believed to help keep all other chakras open and bring joy and enlightenment to the person. When unbalanced, the crown chakra is thought to influence depression, disconnection from the outside world, frustration, and destructive emotions. For example, if you have a blocked throat chakra, you may also experience difficulties with your heart chakra, since you are unable to communicate what you are feeling and you are likely to be sitting with those emotions. It is the first of the three exclusively spiritual chakras (unlike the lower ones, which manifest themselves in a more physical way), according to Olivia.

Every time a chakra is interrupted or blocked, vital energy is also blocked, leading to the onset of mental and health ailments. As you can probably guess from its solar name, this chakra is connected to the color yellow, like a bright sun at noon. The crown chakra can be cluttered, so many resort to fasting, detoxification or blurring to clear the path of this energy flow. Understanding how each chakra works can help us unlock our potential for physical health as well as emotional wellbeing. By learning how each one affects us we can take steps towards balancing them out for optimal functioning.

Through meditation or yoga we can focus on each one individually or work on them all together for an overall sense of wellbeing.

Veronica Molinski
Veronica Molinski

Total zombie maven. Avid beer practitioner. Avid coffee guru. Infuriatingly humble internet nerd. Travel expert. Social media specialist.

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